Element 6


Element 6 Aspects- Graduate Teacher

6.1.1 Demonstrate a capacity to reflect critically on and improve teaching practice.
6.1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of the professional standards framework and its impact on the professional life of a teacher.
6.1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of the available professional development opportunities and the importance of personal planning to ongoing professional growth.
6.1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of teamwork in an educational context.
6.1.5 Accept constructive feedback to improve and refine teaching and learning practices.
6.1.6 Prepare for and contribute to discussions about the teaching profession or subject/content.
6.1.7 Explore educational ideas and issues through research.
6.1.8 Recognise the range of policies and policy documents that teachers in NSW may need to comply with following employment in a school.

Milestones- I have...

I have engaged in critical reflection of my own practice in order to improve the effectiveness of my teaching pedagogy (Aspect 6.1.1). This is reflected in both of my Professional Experience Reports. In addition, my capacity to reflect critically on my teaching practice is shown through my critical reflection on a series of lessons dedicated to teaching students to read the time.
For many of my in-school experiences, I have worked collaboratively with peers to team-teach a sequence of lessons, including a series of lessons related to volume and capacity, as well as a series of Integrated Arts lessons (Aspect 6.1.4). During my Professional Experiences I have also worked collaboratively with other teachers on the same stage to assist with student management on school camp as well as engaging in discussions about aspects of Stage program planning (Aspect 6.1.6). On all my Professional Experiences I have taken on board the feedback of my cooperating teacher to improve my teaching practices (Aspect 6.1.5). This is reflected in the comments of both cooperating teachers on my Professional Experience reports.

To view my Professional Experience Report 2007, click here.

To view my Professional Experience Report 2008, click here.

To view my critical reflection on lessons related to teaching the time, click here.

Through construction of my Professional Development Portfolio I have demonstrated knowledge of the professional standards framework (Aspect 6.1.2), including a greater understanding of the potential links between different aspects as well as links with the Quality Teaching Framework. 

With the goal of expanding my understanding of values to assist with the completion of my Honours research project, I have attended the 2009 National Values Forum. However, this forum also provided an opportunity to engage in professional development as I participated in various workshops dedicated to improving teacher pedagogy in the area of values education (Aspect 6.1.3). In particular, the workshop presented by Dr Thomas Nielson provided an interesting perspective on the need to engage students in activities which involve giving beyond oneself as a means of engaging students with learning of the ‘heads, heart and hands’ as well as improving student resilience and reducing stress. I am also aware of opportunities to engage in professional development whilst on Professional Experience, attending a workshop on ‘Thrass’, an explicit phonics program, which was conducted by the Learning Support Teacher.

To read my reflection notes from Dr Thomas Neilson's workshop, click here.

In 2009, I am completing my Honours research project which aims to investigate the way that values education programs are developed and implemented in NSW public primary schools (Aspect 6.1.7). This project engages me in research of existing strategies for developing effective values education programs which have been suggested in research and theory. It also engages me in case study research of the practices that one school has adopted to address this educational area, as well as exploring the perceptions that students, staff and parents hold about the current approach. 

To read my research proposal, click here.

Through my University degree, I have been introduced to a range of different policy documents that NSW school teachers need to comply with (Aspect 6.1.8), including policies related to Child Protection and controversial issues. I also possess a deep and thorough understanding of the Values Education policy as a result of my Honours research project.  

Milestones- I will and I need

I will

I need
Expand my knowledge of policy related to curriculum- To access policies through the DET website to familiarise myself with policies such as the Literacy K-12 Policy and Numeracy K-12 Policy.
Access and participate in more professional development opportunities

- To utilise my Teachers Federation and E-Lit memberships to gain access to professional development opportunities.
- To seek approval to attend any professional development session conducted for teachers during my Professional Experience and Internship.

Engage in greater levels of team work during my Professional Experiences- To engage in discussions with other same-stage teachers about curriculum planning.
- To use the goals outlined in previous Elements to identify areas of my professional development that I would like my cooperating teacher to focus upon when providing feedback for my lessons.