Element 1


Element 1 Aspects- Graduate Teacher 

1.1.1 Demonstrate relevant knowledge of the central concepts, modes of enquiry and structure of the content/discipline(s).
1.1.2 Demonstrate research-based knowledge of the pedagogies of the content/discipline(s) taught.
1.1.3 Design and implement lesson sequences using knowledge of the NSW syllabus documents or other curriculum requirements of the Education Act.
1.1.4 Demonstrate current knowledge and proficiency in the use of the following:
• Basic operational skills
• Information technology skills
• Software evaluation skills
• Effective use of the internet
• Pedagogical skills for classroom management.

Milestones- I Have... 

Throughout my teaching experiences thus far, I have been able to develop a broad understanding of the NSW Board of Studies syllabus documents, as well as developing an understanding of the central concepts (Aspect 1.1.1). This can be seen through my critique of an existing unit of work, for the KLA of HSIE, against the requirement s of the HSIE syllabus. Additionally, this critique examined the appropriateness of how central concepts were explored within the unit by examining learning experiences in terms of the Quality Teaching Framework.

Excerpt from Critique:

One activity in Learning Sequence 3 asks students to “explore the religious beliefs

and practices and cultural traditions of different migrant groups” (BOS NSW, 1999, p.117). This would address the subject matter of the Stage 3 Cultures outcomes (HSIE K-6

Syllabus, BOS NSW, 2006, p. 61) which is not listed in the outcomes for this unit of work. On the other hand, Learning Sequence 5: Influences on the Environment, does not address the Environment outcome (ENS3.6) listed.

 To read full critique of unit, click here.


I have also developed a range of content specific pedagogies which are grounded in research, with which to teach various KLAs (Aspect 1.1.2). This is best demonstrated within a research article which I have written which explored existing research, and made links with the existing Measurement Framework (NSW DET 2004, p. 11) to suggest improved pedagogies for the teaching of volume and capacity in the early years of school.

Introduction of Article 

For many teachers, introducing the concepts of volume and capacity to their students can be a daunting experience; they may doubt their own understandings of the concepts or may struggle to find strategies for early investigation amongst existing resources that emphasise the use of formal standard units. This paper aims to address some of these issues, first by clarifying the concepts of volume and capacity. Subsequently it discusses research assessments of the effectiveness of introducing the measurement of volume and capacity in the early years of primary school. Finally, by adopting established frameworks of conceptual development, this paper suggests some simple learning experiences that can introduce volume and capacity in a supportive and effective manner.

To read the full article, click here.

Additionally, I have been able to utilise my knowledge of the various syllabus documents in order to develop and implement many different learning sequences that link strongly with syllabus document requirements (Aspect 1.1.3). In particular, a series of lessons that were designed and implemented in a Year 5 volume and capacity context allowed me to demonstrate recognition of the outcomes that students of this stage should be working towards, including both content and skills outcomes. These lessons were adapted to meet the needs of the students for which they were developed, especially in terms of developing more challenging ways of conceptualising volume and capacity, in order to maintain the intellectual quality of the lessons.


Outcomes and Indicators for First Lesson in Series

Which Container Should Jimmy Choose? 

Topic: Capacity           Class:  4/5                Date: 8 September       Lesson: 1 of 3 


MS3.3 Volume and Capacity Selects and uses the appropriate unit to estimate and measure volume and capacity, including the volume of rectangular prisms.
WMS3.2 Applying Strategies Selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies, including technological applications, in undertaking investigations
WMS3.3 Communicating Describes and represents a mathematical situation in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions
WMS3.4 Reasoning Gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over another 


  • Demonstrates an understanding of the concept of ‘capacity’ (Communicating)
  • Comparing the capacity of different containers (Reasoning)
  • Estimating then measuring capacity using informal units (Applying Strategies)
  • Estimating then measuring the capacity of rectangular containers by packing with cubic centimetre blocks
  • Estimating then measuring using 100mL units (Applying Strategies)
  • Recording results of measurement tasks (Communicating)
 To view full lesson plans for the unit, click here. 

I have developed a range of ICT skills, with particular strengths in word processing and image manipulation (Aspect 1.1.4). I have used PowerPoint and data projectors to create and deliver a quiz for students to summarise their learning at the end of a teaching unit. For various lessons I have sourced appropriate resources from the internet, and I have also been involved in designing a website for fellow teachers to retrieve resources for teaching from.

To View the Resource Page I have created, click here.

Milestones- I will and I need

 I will

I need
Endeavour to expand my use of ICT in the classroom, and develop strategies for classroom management when students are using ICT resources.- To investigate the ICT resources available at my next Professional Experience, in order to plan learning experiences which integrate the available resources effectively.
- To use small grouping strategies, as suggested in Managing Small-Group Learning (Reid, Green and English, 2002), to ensure that all students can access ICT resources when only a small number of computers is available.
Revise strategies for integrating different KLA’s within units of work- To revisit existing Stage 2 (stage of my next professional experience) resources that I have created and identify further potential links to other KLA’s, using the Board of Studies’ Guiding Statement on integration as a guide.